Send your kids on an imaginative, impacting adventure!
At Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids K-5 discover not only that God made them theway they are, but for a purpose too. Maker Fun Factory is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and safe shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life—something we call God Sightings. Get ready to hear that phrase a lot!
Your kids will also participate in a hands-on mission project, through a program called Operation Kid-to-KidTM, that will let the kids in our community show God’s mighty love to needy remote villages in Peru.
Maker Fun Factory will be coming to Latonia Baptist Church June 26th-29th from 6:00-8:30pm! You can register your children for this life-changing adventure by registering online at or by calling 859-279-8924 to register by phone.